
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Practice

In Attendance:

Donni/Betty, Zydeco

We managed to sneak in one more practice today as we won't be having another one for about a month.

Tea showed us how hard she had been working & was flying across all 4 jumps to retrieve her dumbbell, way to go Julia & Tea!!
We basically worked on our passing & doing everything as if in a trial. We even had a whistle blown to start the race!

Next practice will be Nov 28, 2-3 pm.
See you then !

Thursday, October 28, 2010

In Attendance:


What We Did:

We worked really hard tonight :) We were able to set up 2 lanes with 4 jumps for the first time thanks to Judy's amazing husband! He made us a set of jumps & they are gorgeous! Kim is taking them home to paint them & make them all pretty :) Thanks Kim!

We started off by placing a food bowl out at the end of the jumps, the dogs only got their reward if they took all 4 jumps. It wasn't long before they were all speeding up to the bowl.

We did some more distractions while the dogs raced...Liz had a stuffed toy & threw it up in the air & let it drop as the dogs ran by... I know Roxy & Kort couldn't resist , and maybe Bosley, but every one else did well.

It was wonderful to see Betty taking the jump & bring her dumbbell back over. Zydeco was super focused & also took his jump each time & brought the dumbbell back. Crawford is coming along very quickly, retrieving & bringing back his dumbbell quickly, he is working on being a quiet corgi too ! :))

We found out that we can "shadow" people during the scenthurdle races in Lethbridge at the end of Nov...this way we can see what each job consists of up close & personal.

And super exciting news....we may be able to practice with the other 4 teams after the official races in Lethbridge. This will be just fantastic for the dogs as well as the new handlers!

We have had to change our practice day to Sundays due to the start up of agility practice again.

All in all a great night!

Next practice Sunday Oct 31 ( BOO ! )...11am-12
See you then!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


In Attendance:


What we did:

Tonight we worked with distractions on both sides of the jumps, toys, food bowls etc. Each dog went off course to check out the new stuff laying on the floor!, (all except Pixel that is!!) Much more work on this in coming practices!
We worked on passing more effectively so we won't loose any time in matches to come. It became obvious tonight also that some dogs can't go last or they don't want to work LOL! (Kort!)
This is actually interesting to me, Kort totally rocks it if he is first, just don't put him last, he thinks that is boring !

Next practice Thurs. Oct 28th, remember the new time 7pm
See you then !

Last Week

Hey!...this is what we did last week Oct. 14.....better late then never!

In Attendance:


What we did:

Tonight we worked at the box only, we split up into 2 groups & trained to get our dogs to search each square. We also worked on getting them to walk "around" the box, rather then through it or on top of it :)( Pixel !) We put a pail in the middle of the box to encourage the dogs to go around it.
It worked quite well actually.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Coming Along

In Attendance:


What we did:

Tonight we started right off with running the jumps to a full box, making sure we followed the rules as if we were in a real race.
We watched as Tea fetched her dumbbell & Crawford took 2 jumps to retrieve his dumbbell off the box!
Yeah team!

We tried on some vests that Kim very nicely picked up from Logos.....& we talked about whether or not we would be ready for Lethbridge to compete. We will see how we do out at Cowley this weekend then make up our minds.