
Monday, September 6, 2010

Outside Practise

In Attendance:

Amanda/Pixel aka stealer of the cheese :))
Donni/Molly & Zydeco


What We Did:

Seeing as this was a new environment, & outside we did some basics.
We started with hiding the dumbbell & asking the dog to find it.
Then we did some scent discrimination using 2 dumbbells, it was a bit harder for the dogs to focus as we were outside with alot of distractions, & there were lots of yummy smells in the grass!
We did restrained recalls over 4 jumps, then went into the retrieving from the box. The dogs did super for the most part but you could see they were not quite as dependable in this new environment. All the more reason to keep challenging the dogs in new places.

Thank you to Donni & Daryl for the hospitality & yummy lemonade & brownies!

Next Practice, Thurs Sept. 9 @ 8pm. Paws On The Run
see you there!

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